The Who Tribute Band – Magic Buzz

The Who Tribute Band - Magic Buzz 1
THE WHO was the wildest of all British bands of the 60s, the loudest and the most aggressive. Singer Roger Daltrey and songwriter Pete Townshend are true icons who have had a lasting impact on this era. With a lot of sarcasm in their lyrics and a huge punch in their sound THE WHO created their very own interpretation of Rhythm & Blues.

With MY GENERATION THE WHO published their probably biggest hit in 1965. The song becomes the anthem of a rebellious youth who rebelled against their bourgeois parents. The band managed to bundle all the anger and frustration of this young generation into a song that is barely 3 minutes short.

In 1969, the rock opera TOMMY was released, with songs like PINBALL WIZZARD and I’M FREE. The album is presented at Woodstock and from that moment on THE WHO is no longer just a band. Now they are a milestone in rock history.
The band MAGIC BUZZ is dedicated to the music of THE WHO from the 60s and 70s. The trigger for the formation was the great success at the “Summer of Lovers 2019”, a “50 Anniversary Woodstock Festival”, for which the musicians got together to perform a few songs by THE WHO.

You quickly realized what was possible here. Unbridled joy of playing combined with a common passion for the music of THE WHO make MAGIC BUZZ a powerful and very entertaining tribute band.
Of course, songs like MY GENERATION, SUBSTITUTE, PINBALL WIZZARD and WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN are as much a part of the four musicians’ repertoire as See me, feel me and Who are you.

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